Rhus Radicans
Peace Begins at OM
A Shadowy Reflection of an Ego Self
You Bit the Hand
Walking on Eggs
Saying Prayers for Daddy
Tied Up
Watch Your Back
Fright Lady
Thou Art with Me
Linda Rae Coughlin
Recycled Hooked and Stitched Textile Art
Portfolio I
Inner Thoughts
Hooked recycled cloth. 36" H x 24" W        
Hooked recycled cloth, digital embroidery. 33”H x 30” W               
Hooked recycled cloth, digital embroidery. 24"H x 16" W            
Hooked recycled cloth. 28" H x 32" W x 5” D         
Hooked recycled cloth. 29 H x 25” W
Hooked recycled cloth, digital embroidery. 15” H x 17” W
Hooked recycled cloth. 29 H x 25” W
Hooked recycled cloth, digital embroidery. 24"H x 16" W            
Hooked recycled cloth. 30” H x 27” W
Tying the Knot
Hooked recycled cloth. 21” H x 16” W
Hooked recycled cloth. 25” H x 20” W  
Hooked recycled cloth, digital embroidery. 37”H x 20” W